Drive Finder

In 2024, any team vs. any team, in the regular season, started in the fourth quarter, sorted by Number of Plays descending
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Drive Totals

Drive Totals Table
Avg Start
Avg Score

Drive Outcomes

Drive Outcomes Table
Outcome Total Pct
End of Game6615.4%
Field Goal5713.3%
Missed FG122.8%
End of Half2.5%
Blocked FG1.2%
All Turnovers5212.1%
All Scores12428.9%

Play Types

Play Types Table
Play Total Pct Per Drive

Offense Totals

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Offense Totals Table
Average Drive Score Turnover Punt TD EOG FG Downs Int Fumble Miss FG Sfty EOH BlkFG
Tm G #Dr Plays Yds Time Start PtDiff Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct
Panthers5155.217.32:00Own 32Down by 16.5213.3%16.7%426.7%320.0%213.3%533.3%16.7%
Titans4144.913.92:08Own 35Down by 2.8214.3%428.6%642.9%17.1%17.1%17.1%17.1%321.4%17.1%
Ravens5146.936.82:48Own 30Up by 4.8535.7%0.0%535.7%321.4%321.4%214.3%17.1%
Giants5145.115.62:09Own 39Up by .917.1%17.1%642.9%214.3%17.1%321.4%17.1%17.1%
Packers5144.729.41:49Own 33Up by 2.1535.7%214.3%428.6%214.3%214.3%321.4%17.1%17.1%17.1%
Buccaneers5145.222.42:37Own 32Up by 2.5214.3%214.3%535.7%17.1%428.6%17.1%17.1%214.3%
Steelers5146.333.82:52Own 30Up by 1.4535.7%17.1%535.7%428.6%17.1%17.1%214.3%17.1%
Jets5146.126.12:37Own 29Down by 1.8428.6%17.1%535.7%321.4%17.1%17.1%214.3%17.1%17.1%
Saints5145.825.92:36Own 37Up by 10.9535.7%214.3%321.4%321.4%17.1%214.3%321.4%214.3%
Chiefs5135.526.22:49Own 26Up by 4.2538.5%0.0%538.5%323.1%323.1%215.4%
Rams5136.233.92:17Own 25Down by 9646.2%215.4%215.4%323.1%17.7%323.1%17.7%17.7%17.7%17.7%
Lions4135.427.02:03Own 30Up by 4.4215.4%215.4%430.8%17.7%215.4%17.7%215.4%215.4%17.7%
Cowboys5135.123.41:46Own 31Down by 3.3538.5%215.4%215.4%323.1%215.4%215.4%17.7%215.4%17.7%
Browns5125.827.72:28Own 30Down by 9216.7%216.7%433.3%216.7%18.3%325.0%18.3%18.3%
Bengals5125.333.02:14Own 28Down by 1650.0%216.7%433.3%325.0%325.0%18.3%18.3%
Falcons5124.621.31:14Own 26Down by 2.9325.0%216.7%216.7%18.3%216.7%216.7%216.7%216.7%18.3%
Patriots5105.427.82:15Own 29Down by 6.50.0%220.0%330.0%220.0%220.0%220.0%110.0%
Dolphins5106.430.32:50Own 28Down by 10.9330.0%0.0%110.0%110.0%110.0%220.0%330.0%110.0%110.0%
Washington596.941.43:12Own 30Up by 4.2555.6%0.0%333.3%333.3%111.1%222.2%
Chargers494.413.72:22Own 31Up by 5.6111.1%0.0%666.7%111.1%222.2%
Cardinals595.831.92:08Own 25Down by 6.2111.1%222.2%222.2%222.2%111.1%222.2%222.2%
Eagles386.031.32:15Own 31Down by 4.5337.5%112.5%112.5%225.0%112.5%112.5%112.5%112.5%112.5%

Defense Totals

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Defense Totals Table
Average Drive Score Turnover Punt TD EOG FG Downs Int Fumble Miss FG Sfty EOH BlkFG
Tm G #Dr Plays Yds Time Start PtDiff Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct
Vikings5145.732.11:58Opp 31Up by 13.9428.6%428.6%321.4%321.4%17.1%321.4%321.4%17.1%
Bills5146.124.02:36Opp 30Up by 5.1214.3%321.4%428.6%17.1%17.1%535.7%17.1%214.3%
Ravens5145.740.92:15Opp 30Up by 8.9857.1%17.1%428.6%642.9%17.1%214.3%17.1%
Packers4145.927.61:45Opp 28Up by 4.7321.4%428.6%321.4%214.3%214.3%17.1%214.3%321.4%17.1%
Colts5146.842.52:55Opp 31Down by .4857.1%17.1%214.3%642.9%17.1%214.3%17.1%17.1%17.1%
Panthers5135.124.42:23Opp 37Down by 12.7538.5%17.7%538.5%430.8%215.4%17.7%17.7%
Falcons5136.320.32:41Opp 40Down by 2.0430.8%215.4%430.8%17.7%17.7%323.1%215.4%17.7%17.7%
Lions4135.529.72:04Opp 18Up by 3.9215.4%17.7%646.2%17.7%17.7%17.7%215.4%17.7%17.7%
Cowboys5135.417.62:32Opp 35Down by 6.5215.4%430.8%323.1%17.7%215.4%17.7%17.7%323.1%17.7%17.7%
Rams5134.524.61:53Opp 36Down by 4.8215.4%215.4%538.5%17.7%323.1%17.7%17.7%17.7%17.7%
Cardinals5125.429.82:39Opp 33Down by .3325.0%325.0%325.0%216.7%325.0%18.3%18.3%216.7%
Bengals5126.833.72:50Opp 30Up by 2.7650.0%0.0%325.0%325.0%325.0%325.0%
Steelers5124.314.51:54Opp 27Up by 3.5216.7%325.0%541.7%216.7%216.7%325.0%
49ers6125.828.32:10Opp 34Up by 8.3433.3%216.7%18.3%216.7%216.7%216.7%325.0%18.3%18.3%
Titans4124.421.32:13Opp 28Down by 1.2433.3%0.0%433.3%216.7%325.0%216.7%18.3%
Buccaneers5127.331.42:41Opp 31Up by 4.9325.0%216.7%216.7%18.3%216.7%433.3%216.7%18.3%
Dolphins5115.724.42:40Opp 41Down by 9.5327.3%0.0%327.3%218.2%327.3%19.1%19.1%19.1%
Patriots5115.122.72:24Opp 30Down by 6.2436.4%19.1%436.4%19.1%436.4%19.1%19.1%
Chargers4106.740.93:13Opp 25Up by 5.3330.0%110.0%220.0%220.0%220.0%110.0%220.0%110.0%
Eagles4105.533.62:12Opp 31Down by .8440.0%110.0%110.0%220.0%330.0%220.0%110.0%110.0%
Chiefs5107.130.12:38Opp 26Up by 4.6220.0%110.0%330.0%110.0%220.0%330.0%110.0%
Washington596.949.93:22Opp 30Up by 9.8444.4%111.1%444.4%333.3%111.1%111.1%

Drive Results

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Data coverage: since 2001. Please see our data coverage page for details.

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