Pitching Game Finder | Stathead.com: Results

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User's Notes:
Rk Player Date Series Gm# Tm Opp Rslt App,Dec IP H R ER BB SO HR UER Pit Str GSc IR IS BF AB 2B 3B IBB HBP SH SF GDP SB CS PO BK WP ERA WPA RE24 aLI DFS(DK) DFS(FD)
1Roy Halladay2010-10-06NLDS1PHICINW 4-0SHO, W 9.0000180010479942827000000000000 0.000.3004.480.441
2Roger Clemens2000-10-14ALCS4NYYSEAW 5-0SHO, W 9.01002150013887983028100000000000 0.000.4345.063.753
3Bobby Jones2000-10-08NLDS4NYMSFGW 4-0SHO, W 9.0100250011673883028100000000000 0.000.3834.843.829
4Jim Lonborg1967-10-05WS2BOSSTLW 5-0SHO, W 9.01001400882928100000000000 0.000.4274.016.687
5Don Larsen1956-10-08WS5NYYBROW 2-0SHO, W 9.00000700942727000000000000 0.000.5864.560.852
6Claude Passeau1945-10-05WS3CHCDETW 3-0SHO, W 9.01001100852827000000100000 0.000.4764.188.768
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Generated 12/26/2020.

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