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Exploring the FBref database just got easier. Search for seasons and matches for both players and clubs across men's and women's football using an endless number of easy-to-use filters.

Stathead FBref offers quick and easy search tools to go deeper into the stats and feed your curiosity.

Search for seasons and matches for men's and women's players and clubs across domestic leagues, international cups, and domestic cups.

Player Season Finder

​​Find men's and women's data for single seasons, multi-season spans, or per 90 minutes. Create leaderboards by team, position, age, and more.

(See examples)

Player Match Finder

Find individual matches (or number of matches) for men's and women's players using a variety of search criteria.

(See examples)

Team Season Finder

Find data for men's and women's teams for single seasons, multi-season spans, or per 90 minutes. Search by team stats or opponent stats.

(See examples)

Team Match Finder

Find individual matches (or number of matches) for men's and women's teams using a variety of search criteria. Search by team stats or opponent stats.

(See examples)

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