Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Head-to-Head Stats Comparison

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Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Pitching Comparison

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Totals

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Value

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Totals Against

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Starting & Relieving

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Ratios

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Pitch Summary

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Head-to-Head Pitching

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Totals

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Game Logs

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Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Batter vs. Pitcher

Guillermo Mota (Pitcher) vs. Ryan Dempster (Batter): Year-by-Year Totals

Guillermo Mota (Pitcher) vs. Ryan Dempster (Batter): Plate Appearances

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Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Batting Comparison

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Batting Totals

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Batting Value

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Batting Sabermetric

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Batting Win Probability

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Head-to-Head Batting

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Totals

Ryan Dempster vs. Guillermo Mota: Game Logs

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Data coverage:

Game data: Game data is only available for the American League, National League, and Federal League. Since 1901 for regular season data, since 1933 for the All-Star Game, and since 1903 for the Postseason.

Season data: Since 1871. Stats relying on play-by-play data are complete back to 1969, nearly complete back to 1950, and mostly complete back to 1912. Postseason data since 1903.

Please see our data coverage page for details.

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