Memphis Grizzlies vs. Washington Wizards: Head-to-Head Reg Season and Playoffs Stats Comparison
Data coverage:
Game data: since 1946-47 unless otherwise noted. Regular season: PTS, FG, FT, 3P complete all-time. FTA complete back to 1948-49. FGA, TRB, AST, PF, GS over 99% complete back to 1975-76. MP over 99% complete back to 1976-77. +/- complete back to 1996-97. All other box score stats (3PA, ORB, DRB, STL, BLK, TOV) complete back to 1983-84. Playoffs: PTS, FG, FT, FTA, 3P, 3PA complete all-time. PF complete back to 1948-49. FGA, TRB, AST complete back to 1962-63. GS complete back to 1973-74. MP complete back to 1974-75. +/- complete back to 1996-97. STL, BLK, TOV complete back to 1982-83. ORB, DRB complete back to 1983-84. BPM not available for WNBA & ABA.
Season data: since 1946-47 unless otherwise noted. All box score stats are covered all-time (though not all stats were tracked for all of NBA history). PER since 1951-52. AST% since 1964-65. TRB% since 1970-71. BPM, VORP, DRtg and Per 100 Poss stats since 1973-74. ORtg since 1977-78. GS since 1981-82. Some stats were available earlier in the ABA. WNBA all-time (since 1997) unless otherwise noted. BPM and VORP not available for WNBA.
Please see our data coverage page for details.
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