Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Head-to-Head Reg Season and Playoffs Stats Comparison

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Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Head-to-Head Stats

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Recent Games

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Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Yearly Records

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Head-to-Head Passing Totals

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Head-to-Head Rushing Totals

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Head-to-Head Kicking & Punting Totals

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Head-to-Head Kick & Punt Return Totals

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Head-to-Head Defense Totals

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Team Comparison

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Overall Passing Totals

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Overall Rushing Totals

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Overall Kicking & Punting Totals

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Overall Kick & Punt Return Totals

Buffalo Bills vs. Indianapolis Colts: Overall Defense Totals

Data coverage:

Player game data: since 1933. Scoring statistics (TD, XP, FG) are complete. Yardage and attempts statistics are nearly complete. Game participation data since 1970.

Player season data: all-time (since 1920). Scoring statistics (TD, XP, FG) are complete all-time. Yardage and attempts statistics were not recorded until 1932. Advanced stats since 2018.

Team Game data: since 1920. Before 1940, only wins, losses, points for, and points allowed are available. Scoring statistics (TD, XP, FG) are complete since 1920. Yardage and attempts statistics are nearly complete since 1933.

Team Season data: since 1940. Scoring statistics (TD, XP, FG) are complete all-time.

Please see our data coverage page for details.

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